Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Pengertian Teknik Switching

Teknik Switching
Tehnik Switching merupakan cara memperpendek jalur proses yang memakai suatu indikator untuk mengantisipasi proses yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Indikator ini dimisalkan seperti switch pada tombol lampu yang dapat mengatur dua kondisi yaitu nyala dan padam.

Dalam flowchart, switch merupakan variabel yang diisi dengan dua kondisi yaitu 0 dan 1. Melalui isi variabel tersebut dapat diketahui kondisi proses yang telah dilakukan. Sehingga dapat dilakukan pengalihan proses tanpa memalui proses sebelumnya atau mempersingkat alur proses

Contoh :
Suatu perusahaan akan membuat laporan gaji pegawainya berdasarkan golongannya. Data yang dibaca terdiri dari nomor pegawai, nama pegawai, golongan dan gaji bersih. Data yang dibaca sudah urut per golongan yang terdiri dari : golongan 1, 2, 3,4. Jika golongan berubah maka cetak TOTAL GAJI per golongan dan ganti halaman baru serta NOMOR dimulai dari 1.

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Kaidah-kaidah Umum Pembuatan Flowchart

Kaidah-kaidah Umum Pembuatan Flowchart
Dalam pembuatan flowchart tidak ada rumus atau patokan yang bersifat mutlak. Karena flowchart merupakan gambaran hasil pemikiran dalam menganalisa suatu masalah dengan komputer. Sehingga flowchart yang dihasilkan dapat bervariasi antara satu pemrogram dengan yang lainnya. 

Namun secara garis besar setiap pengolahan selalu terdiri dari 3 bagian utama, yaitu:
  1. Input,
  2. Proses pengolahan dan
  3. Output
Untuk pengolahan data dengan komputer, urutan dasar pemecahan suatu masalah:
  1. START, berisi instruksi untuk persiapan peralatan yang diperlukan sebelum menangani pemecahan persoalan
  2. READ, berisi instruksi kegiatan untuk membaca data dari suatu peralatan input
  3. PROSES, berisi kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pemecahan persoalan sesuai dengan data yang dibaca
  4. WRITE, berisi instruksi untuk merekan hasil kegiatan ke peralatan output
  5. END, mengakhiri kegiatan pengolahan
Walaupun tidak ada kaidah-kaidah yang baku dalam penyusunan flowchart, namun ada beberapa anjuran:
  1. Hindari pengulangan proses yang tidak perlu dan logika yang berbelit sehingga jalannya proses menjadi singkat
  2. Jalannya proses digambarkan dari atas ke bawah dan diberikan tanda panah untuk memperjelas
  3. Sebuah flowchart diawali dari satu titik START dan diakhiri dengan END

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Pengenalan dan Definisi Flowchart

Pengenalan dan Definisi Flowchart
Flowchart merupakan gambar atau bagan yang memperlihatkan urutan dan hubungan antar proses beserta instruksinya. Gambaran ini dinyatakan dengan symbol. Dengan demikian setiap symbol menggambarkan proses tertentu. Sedangkan antara proses digambarkan dengan garis penghubung.
Dua macam flowchart yang menggambarkan proses dengan komputer, yaitu:
A. System flowchart
Bagan yang memperlihatkan urutan prosedur dan proses dari beberapa file dalam media tertentu.
System flowchart menggambarkan :
  1. Hubungan antar suatu file dengan file lainnya
  2. Media yang dipakai untuk setiap file.
B. Program flowchart
Bagan yang memperlihatkan urutan dan hubungan proses dalam suatu program.
FLOWCHART (Diagram Alur)
  1. Langkah awal pembuatan program
  2. Urutan proses di program menjadi lebih jelas

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Looping atau Perulangan

Looping adalah proses pengulangan hingga kondisi syarat yang ditentukan tercapai. Ada 3 jenis looping, yaitu  for, while dan repeat.

Contoh program :

1: Program ulang_for;
2: var i: Integer;
3: Begin
4:   For i:=1 to 5 do
5:     writeln('ini yang ke ', i);
6: End.

Perhatikan pada baris 4 dan 5. Pada baris tersebut ada satu persyaratan yaitu baris ke 5 akan dieksekusi bila nilai I antara 1 sampai 5, sehingga jika program di Run hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut :

ini yang ke 1
ini yang ke 2
ini yang ke 3
ini yang ke 4
ini yang ke 5

Apabila pernyataan for seperti berikut ini : "For i:=10 downto 1 do". Pernyataan itu akan menghitung mundur dari 10 sampai 1.

Contoh program :

1: Program ULANG_while;
2: var i: Integer;
3: Begin
4:   i:=1;
5:   while i < 5 do
6:   begin
7:     writeln('ini yang ke ', i);
8:     i:=i+1;
9:   end;
10: End.

Apa perbedaan mendasar while dengan for? di while dibutuhkan counter (diprogram ini adalah i). Jadi, baris ke-7 dan 8 akan dieksekusi (dijalankan) apabila nilai i < 5. Coba perhatikan baris ke 6, di sana ada "begin" dan "end;" sebagai pasangannya (dibaris ke 9). Bila ada lebih dari satu pernyataan harus di mulai dengan begin untuk kondisi if, case, looping. Jika tidak hanya baris pertama saja yang dieksekusi.
Jika program tersebut di eksekusi maka bagaimanakah outputnya ?
Berikut adalah outputnya :

ini yang ke 1
ini yang ke 2
ini yang ke 3
ini yang ke 4

Dari listing program diatas apabila baris ke 8 diganti dengan "i:=i-1;" apa yang terjadi? Coba jalankan. Hasilnya aadalah akan terjadi looping terus menerus karena kondisinya memenuhi syarat terus (i selalu kurang dari lima). Tekan control break untuk menghentikannya. Hal inilah yang disebut invinitive loop.


Contoh program :

1: Program Tutorial3_while;
2: var pilih: char;
3: Begin
4:   i:=1;
5:   repeat
6:     writeln('ini yang ke ',i);
7:     i:=i+1;
8:   until i<0;
9: End.

Apa outputnya? Hasilnya hanya satu (1) yaitu, "ini yang ke 1". Hal ini disebabkan karena pada baris ke 8 tidak memenuhi persyaratan i<0. Memang tidak  memenuhi persyaratan itu, tapi ini adalah keistemewaan repeat. Ia akan mengeksekusi sekali dulu baru dicek persyaratan yang ada dibawah. Gunakan jenis looping yang ada sesuai kebutuhan.

Objectives of Review of Literature

       Objectives of Review of Literature

Written by Yogesh Kumar Sing in Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

The review of literature serves the following purposes in conducting research work:
1.  It provides theories, ideas, explanations or hypothesis which may prove useful in the
    formulation of a new problem.
2.  It indicates whether the evidence already available solves the problem adequately without
    requiring further investigation. It avoids the replication.
3.  It provides the sources for hypothesis. The researcher can formulate research hypothesis
    on the basis of available studies.
4.  It suggests method, procedure, sources of data and statistical techniques appropriate to the
    solution of the problem.
5.  It locates comparative data and findings useful in the interpretation and discussion of results.
    The conclusions drawn in the related studies may be significantly compared and may be
    used as the subject for the findings of the study.
6.  It helps in developing experts and general scholarship of the investigator in the area
7.  It contributes towards the accurate knowledge of the evidence or literature in one’s area of
    activity is a good avenue towards making oneself. This knowledge is an asset ever afterwards,
    whether one is employed in an institution of higher learning or a research organization.
Bruce W. Tuckman (1978) has enumerated the following purposes of the review:
1.  Discovering important variable.
2.  Distinguishing what has been done from what needs to be done.
3.  Synthesizing the available studies to have perspective.
4.  Determining meanings, relevance of the study and relationship with the study and its deviation
    from the available studies.
Edward L. Vockell (1983) has pointed out the following two purposes:
• The main purpose of this review is to put the hypothesis to be examined in the research
    report into its proper context.
• Secondary purposes of this part of the report are to provide readers with guidelines regarding
    where they can look to find more information and to establish the author’s credential by
    letting readers know that the researcher is aware of what has been going on with regard to
    the current and related topics.

Konsep Algoritma

Konsep Algoritma
Penyelesaian permasalahan dengan menggunakan alat bantu sistem komputer paling tidak akan melibatkan lima tahapan, yaitu:
  1. Analisis masalah, analisis masalah merupakan langkah paling awal untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan dengan menggunakan alat bantu sistem komputer. Langkah ini bertujuan untuk menemukan ide-ide kemungkinan solusi terhadap permasalahan
  2. Merancang algoritma, merancang algoritma dilakukan dengan tujuan utama sebagai berikut:
  • Menentukan ide solusi
  • Menyatakan algoritma
  • Memvalidasi algoritma
  • Menganalisis algoritma
Pada dasarnya tidak ada aturan yang baku tentang cara menuliskan solusi dalam bentuk algoritma. Namun demikian, agar solusi bentuk algoritma dapat digunakan dengan baik, maka umumnya dapat dinyatakan dalam dua kemungkinan bentuk, yaitu:
  1. Bentuk uraian / deskriptif atau pseudocode
  2. Bentuk gambar, yaitu menggunakan simbol-simbol grafis dalam bentuk bagan alir (flowchart)
Contoh Pseudocode :
mencari bilangan terbesar dari dua bilangan yang diinputkan
Solusi Pseudo-code :
  1. Masukkan bilangan pertama
  2. Masukkan bilangan kedua
  3. Jika bilangan pertama > bilangan kedua maka kerjakan langkah 4, jika tidak, kerjakan langkah 5.
  4. Tampilkan bilangan pertama
  5. Tampilkan bilangan kedua
Solusi Algoritma :
  1. Masukkan bilangan pertama (a)
  2. Masukkan bilangan kedua (b)
  3. if a > b then kerjakan langkah 4
  4. print a
  5. print b
Contoh Flowchart :

3. Membuat program komputer(coding)
4. Menguji hasil program komputer (dbuging)
5. Dokumentasi

Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Pengertian Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Pengertian Algoritma & Pemrograman
a. Algoritma
Asal  usul  kata  algoritma  dapat  Anda  baca  dalam  buku  “The  Art  of  Computer Programming Second Edition Volume I” yang ditulis oleh Donald E. Knuth (1973, p1- ).

Menurut  Donald  E.  Knuth  (1973,p4),  algoritma  dalam  penger tian  modern mempunyai kemiripan dengan istilah  resep ,  proses, metode, teknik, prosedur, rutin . Algoritma  adalah  sekumpulan  aturan-aturan  berhingga  yang  memberikan  sederetan operasi-operasi untuk menyelesaikan suatu jenis masalah yang khusus. Menurut  Rinaldi  Munir,  algoritma  adalah  urutan  langkah-langkah  logis penyelesaian masalah yang disusun secara sistematis. Berdasarkan dua pengertian algoritma di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa algor itma merupakan suatu istilah yang luas, yang tidak hanya berkaitan dengan dunia komputer.

b. Pemrograman

Pemrograman berasal dar i kata  program  yang diberi awalan pe– dan akhiran –an. Dalam buku ini, program berarti progr am komputer. Pengertian   program   computer menurut John M. Zelle,  Ph.D.  dalam bukunya  yang  berjudul “Python  Programming: An  Introduction to  Computer  Science”  (2002,  p1)  adalah  sekumpulan  instruksi langkah per langkah yang member itahukan mengenai yang harus dilakukan computer secara  tepat.   Pemrograman   adalah  segala  kegiatan  pembuatan  program  computer.

Kemudian  terdapat  pula  istilah   bahasa  pemrograman   yang  berarti  bahasa  yang digunakan dalam pembuatan program komputer. Berdasarkan  pengertian  algoritma  dan  pemrograman,  maka  dapat  dikatakan bahwa  program  merupakan  hasil  penerapan  dari  algoritma- algoritma.

Using Footnotes in A Skripsi/Thesis

      Using Footnotes in A Skripsi/Thesis

                                                             Written by Ari Julianto

Different faculty sometimes uses footnotes (catatan kaki) in writing a skripsi or thesis. It is desirable to quote some authoritative views or statements from written works of others in the research report. It may be necessary from various purposes for example to review the related literature,to support to give the rationale for one’s viewpoint.

Each quotation must have a footnote or reference indicating the sources from which it is borrowed. All these sources and authority be acknowledged both for intellectual honesty and for validity of one’s research.

Footnotes serve a number of purposes. They enable the researcher to substantiate his presentation by quotations or citations of other authorities, to give credit to sources of material that he has reported and to provide the reader with specific sources that he may use to verify the authenticity and accuracy of material quoted. The citation or quoted statements are written in single-spaced whereas the text is written double-spaced.

The footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page” and are separated from the text by a three cms horizontal line drawn from the left margin. Footnotes are numbered consecutively within a chapter.

The recent approach is that references are given in the place of footnotes. The reference of quoted material is inserted in parentheses at the end of the sentence. For example, (4 : 72) indicates that the statement refers to the bibliography listing number 4, page 72. Another procedure is that all the references are placed on one page at the end of the chapter in the sequence of quoted statements.

Method of Writing Footnotes
Usually the footnotes are given at bottom of the page at the end of the text according to the number of quotations provided on it. The following examples illustrate the style of writing footnotes:

1. Single author
John W. Best. (1977), ‘Research in Education’ 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,Inc., Englewood Cliff, 84 p.

2. Two authors:
J.H. MC. Grath and D. Gene Wattson (1970), ‘Research Methods and Designs for Education’, Pennsylvania International Text-book Company, 124 p.

It may be noted from the examples of footnotes and bibliography that the author’s last name or surname is written first in bibliography while last name or surname is given in usual way or in the last.

Second difference between these two can be gathered regarding page-total number pages of the book are written in bibliography and specific page number of the book is recorded on the foot-notes where the quotation has been given in the book. In this way eleven types of bibliography have been illustrated in this chapter, with this difference eleven types of footnotes can also be written.

To avoid repetition and making economy of time and space some abbreviations are used in writing the footnotes references. Usually following three types of abbreviations are employed.Ibid–In consecutive reference to the same work the Latin abbreviation Ibid (Indicates same page as earlier footnote), Ibid p. 36 (same work, but a different page 36) is used. Qp. Ci.–When a reference to the same work is not used in consecutive but after some other references, the Latin abbreviation op. cit. (indicates the work already cited in the report).

The surname of the author and op. cit. is used. If the page number of the book is different, in this situation op. cit. and page number along the surname is used. The examples are as follows:
Chaube, op. cit ( the work cited).
Chaube, op. cit. page 48 (the work cited on page 48).
Loc. Ci. – When a second but non-consecutive reference follows, referring to the same work and same page, the Latin abbreviation Loc-cit (previously cited) may be used. The authors surname along Loc. cit must be included. An example is given below:
Chaturvedi, Loc. cit (previously cited on page 48).

(Taken from various sources)

Well, hopefully today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Pengertian PHPMyAdmin

Menurut Alexander F.K Sibero (2011:376) phpMyAdmin adalah aplikasi web yang dibuat oleh phpmyadmin.net phpMyAdmin digunakan untuk administrasi database MySQL.

Menurut Bunafit Nugroho (2009:13) phpMyAdmin adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang dibuat dari pemrograman PHP dan diramu dengan JavaScript. phpMyAdmin juga dapat disebut sebagau tools yang berguna untuk mengkases ang ada database MySQL Server dalam bentuk tampilan web. Dengan adanya phpMyAdmin semua pekerjaan menjadi lebih muda, karena tanpa harus mengerti perintah-perintah dasar SQL, kita sudah dapat memanajemen database dan data di dalamnya.

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Research Design

Research Design
Written by Ari Julianto

Before starting a research, the investigator will look for problem, he will read books, journals, research reports and other related literature. Based on this, he will finalise the topic for research.

During this process, he will be in close contact with his guide. As soon as the topic is decided, first task is to decide about design. Research design is a blue print or structure with in which research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.

A design is general strategy for conducting a research study. The nature of the hypothesis, the variables involved, and the constraints of the ?real world? all contribute to the selection of design. A design regarding WHAT?, WHERE?, WHEN?, HOW MUCH?, by WHAT? means concerning an inquiry or a research study constitute research design.

Thus, it can be said that research design is an outline of what the researcher will do from writing of objectives, hypotheses and its operational implications to find analysis of data. Research design should be able to convey following :

(a) What is the study about?
(b) Why is the study being made?
(c) Where will the study be carried out?
(d) What type of data is required?
(e) Where can the required data be found?
(f) What periods of time will the study include?
(g) What will be the sample design?
(h) What techniques of data collection will be used?
(i) How will the data be analysed?
(j) In what style will the report be prepared?

Depending upon the types of research the structure of design may vary. Suppose, one is conducting an experimental research, then identification of variables, control of variables, types of experimental design etc. be discussed properly. If someone is conducting qualitative research, then one should stress on understanding of setting, nature of data, holistic approach, selection of participants, inductive data analysis. Thus, according to nature and type of study the components of design will be decided.

In brief, research design must, at least, contain
(a) a clear statement of the research problem;
(b) procedures and techniques to be used for gathering information;
(c) the population to be studied;and
(d) methods to be used in processing and analysing data.

(Taken from various sources)
Hopefully, today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Pengertian Dreamweaver

Menurut Alexander F.K Sibero (2011:384) Dreamweaver adalah suatu produk Web Developer yang dikembangkan oleh Adobe Systems Inc., sebelumnya produk Dreamweaver dikembangkan oleh Macromedia Inc. yang kemudian sampai saat ini pengembangannya diteruskan oleh Adobe Systems Inc.,  Setelah diambil alih oleh Adobe System Inc., Dreamweaver dikembangkan dan dirilis dengan kode nama Creative Suite (CS).

What Can Be Compared in Educational Research

What Can Be Compared in Educational Research

Written by Mark Bray et al in Comparative Education Research Approaches and Methods. Comparative Education Research Centre.2007.

Today's posting discusses about the topic for comparison study. In educational research for comparison study, some fields can be chosen as your topic in proposal of thesis or skripsi. The fields below are the most common comparing fields that can be your own topic.

1. Comparing Places
Comparative education analyses have traditionally focused on geographic entities as the unit of comparison.

2. Comparing System
A great deal of comparative education research has focused on systems of education. Sometimes, however, this focus has been implicit rather than explicit, and the units of analysis have not always been clearly defined.

3. Comparing Culture
Life in schools and classrooms is an aspect of our wider society, not separate from it: a culture does not stop at the school gates.

4. Comparing Educational Achievements
Comparing achievement implies that there is a common understanding on the nature the subject(s) being compared. It also assumes that comparable groups of students or schools are being compared.

5. Comparing Policies
The word policy is commonly used in government documents, academic writings and daily conversations. However, the nature of policy and the ways in which it can be researched, interpreted and produced are open to debate. The literature that might assist in this matter is diverse, divided and to some extent inconclusive.

6. Comparing Curricula
Many stakeholders in education undertake comparisons of curricula.Governments increasingly compare their states’ curricula with overseas models when searching for new initiatives and when attempting to enhance
international competitiveness; parents compare the offerings of schools in order to choose suitable institutions for their children; students look at the range of courses available when they select electives; and all parties except possibly the pupils make comparisons between current curricula and those which operated in earlier historical periods.

7. Comparing Ways of Learning
Students' way of learning keeps improving. It may be the best hope to provide the basis for developing training programmes suitable for improving the quality of learning outcomes in different cultures.

8. Comparing Pedagogical Innovations
Innovation seems to be a constant – and necessary – theme in education. In the contemporary era, a common underlying rationale is that changes in education of all levels and types are necessary to prepare citizens for life in the knowledge society, which is characterised by increasing globalisation,progressively shorter half-lives of knowledge, the increasing importance of knowledge creation in sustaining development, and economic competitiveness which requires increased collaboration in the workplace.



Written by Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen in How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. McGraw-Hill.2009

The term instrumentation refers to the entire process of collecting data in a research investigation.

Research instruments can be classified in many ways. Some of the more common are in  terms  of  who  provides  the  data,  the  method  of  data  collection,  who  collects  the data, and what kind of response they require from the subjects. Research data are obtained by directly or indirectly assessing the subjects of a study. Self-report data are provided by the subjects of a study themselves. Informant data are provided by other people about the subjects of a study.

There are many types of researcher-completed instruments. Some of the more commonly  used  are  rating  scales,  interview  schedules,  observation  forms,  tally  sheets, flowcharts,  performance  checklists,  anecdotal  records,  and  time-and-motion  logs. Many types of instruments are completed by the subjects of a study rather than the researcher.  Some  of  the  more  commonly  used  of  this  type  are  questionnaires;  self-checklists;  attitude  scales;  personality  inventories;  achievement,  aptitude,  and  performance tests; and projective and sociometric devices.

The types of items or questions used in subject-completed instruments can take many forms, but they all can be classified as either selection or supply items. Examples of selection items include true-false items, multiple-choice items, matching items, and interpretive  exercises.  Examples  of  supply  items  include  short-answer  items  and essay questions. An excellent source for locating already available tests is the ERIC database. Unobtrusive measures require no intrusion into the normal course of affairs.

An  important  consideration  in  the  choice  of  a  research  instrument  is  validity:  the extent  to  which  results  from  it  permit  researchers  to  draw  warranted  conclusions about the characteristics of the individuals studied. A reliable instrument is one that gives consistent results.

Whenever possible, researchers try to eliminate subjectivity from the judgments they make about the achievement, performance, or characteristics of subjects. An  important  consideration  for  any  researcher  in  choosing  or  designing  an  instrument is its ease of use.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Pengertian Apache

Server HTTP Apache atau Server Web/WWW Apache adalah server web yang dapat dijalankan di banyak sistem operasi (Unix, BSD, Linux, Microsoft Windows dan Novell Netware serta platform lainnya) yang berguna untuk melayani dan memfungsikan situs web. Protokol yang digunakan untuk melayani fasilitas web/www ini menggunakan HTTP.

Apache memiliki fitur-fitur canggih seperti pesan kesalahan yang dapat dikonfigurasi, autentikasi berbasis basis data dan lain-lain. Apache juga didukung oleh sejumlah antarmuka pengguna berbasis grafik (GUI) yang memungkinkan penanganan server menjadi mudah.

Apache merupakan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka dikembangkan oleh komunitas terbuka yang terdiri dari pengembang-pengembang di bawah naungan Apache Software Foundation.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Pengertian JavaScript

Menurut Aloysius Sigit W. (2011:1) JavaScript merupakan bahasa Scripting yang bekerja disisi Client/Browser sehingga website bisa lebih interaktif.

JavaScript adalah bahasa skrip yang populer di internet dan dapat bekerja di sebagian besar penjelajah web populer seperti Internet Explorer (IE), Mozilla Firefox, Netscape dan Opera. Kode JavaScript dapat disisipkan dalam halaman web menggunakan tag script.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Pengertian jQuery

Menurut Aloysius Sigit W. (2011:1) jQuery adalah librari atau kumpulan kode JavaScript siap pakai. Keunggulan menggunakan jQuery dibandingkan dengan JavaScript standar, yaitu menyederhanakan kode JavaScript dengan cara memanggil fungsi-fungsi yang disediakan oleh jQuery. JavaScript sendiri merupakan bahasa Scripting yang bekerja disisi Client/Browser sehingga website bisa lebih interaktif.

Menurut Alexander F.K Sibero (2011:218) jQuery adalah salah satu javascript framework terbaik saat ini. jQuery dikembangkan oleh John Resig pada tahun 2006 di BarCamp NYC. Pada awal perkembangannya, jQuery pertama dibuat untuk meringkas penggunaan CSS Selector dalam suatu pustaka fungsi. jQuery memiliki ciri khas pada penggunaan perintahnya, prefix untuk jQuery dengan tanda $ kemudian dilanjutkan dengan fungsi atau perintah.

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Pengertian MySQL

Menurut Antonius Nugraha Widhi Pratama (2010:10) MySQL adalah suatu sistem managemen basis data relasional (RDBMS-Relational Database Management System) yang mampu bekerja dengan cepat, kokoh dan mudah digunakan.

Menurut Wahana Komputer (2010:5) MySQL merupakan program database yang mampu mengirim dan menerima data dengan sangat cepat dan multi user.
MySQL pertama kali dirintis oleh seorang programer database bernama Michael Widenius. Selain MySQL ada beberapa program database server lain yang menggunakan standar query berupa SQL, antara lain adalah:
  1. Oracle
  2. PostgreSQL
  3. MySQL front
  4. MySQL
  5. SQL Server 97

 MySQL adalah sebuah database server, dapat juga berperan sebagai client sehingga sering disebut database client/server, yang open source dengan kemampuan dapat berjalan baik di OS (Operating Sistem) manapun, dengan Platform Windows maupun Linux.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Pengertian PHP

Menurut Antonius Nugraha Widhi Pratama (2010:9) PHP adalah kependekan dari Pretext Hyper-Processor yang dibagun oleh Rasmus Lerdorf pada tahun 1994. Dahulu, pada awal pengembangannya PHP disebut sebagai kependekan dari Personal Home Page. PHP merupakan produk open source sehingga kita dapat mengakses source code, menggunakan, dan mengubahnya tanpa harus membayar sepeserpun.

PHP adalah bahasa scripting yang menyatu dengan HTML dan dijalankan pada server side. Artinya semua sintaks yang kita berikan akan sepenuhnya dijalankan pada server sedangkan yang dikirimkan ke browser hanya hasilnyasaja. PHP menyatu dengan bahasa HTML untuk membuat halaman web yang menarik. PHP mampu berjalan di atas beberapa platfrom seperti Windows, Unix serta varian Linux. Beberapa kelebihan PHP antara lain dapat membuat situs yang interaktif dengan forum diskusi, guestbook dan sebagainya, koneksitas yang baik dengan bermacam-macam database seperti Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL dan lain-lain.

Kode PHP diawali dengan tag <? atau <?php dan ditutup dengan tag ?>. File yang berisi tag HTML dan kode PHP diberi ekstensi. Berdasarkan ekstensi ini, pada saat file diakses, server akan tahu bahwa file tersebut mengandung kode PHP. Server akan menerjemahkan kode dan menghasilkan output dalam bentuk tag HTML yang akan dikirim ke browser klien yang mengakses file tersebut.
Contoh skrip PHP:
    echo “ini contoh skrip PHP”;
Ketika skrip tersebut dijalankan di server, server akan mengembalikan ke browser klien dalam bentuk tag HTML. Sehingga ketika dilihat hasilnya di browser menggunakan menu view source, hasilnya adalah sebagi berikut:
    <BODY>ini contoh skrip PHP</BODY>
Dalam menuliskan script atau program PHP, ada dua cara yang sering digunakan, yaitu embedded script dan non-embedded script. Embedded script yaitu menuliskan script PHP di antara tag-tag HTML. Sedangkan non-embedded script merupakan pembuatan program murni PHP, di mana tag-tag HTML yang diletakkan di dalam script PHP. Spasi tidak berpengaruh pada penulisan baris perintah PHP. Untuk penulisan fungsi-fungsi, PHP tidak membedakan antara huruf kecil dan huruf besar. Contoh perintah ‘echo’ sama dengan perintah ‘ECHO’ atau ‘Echo’.

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Pengertian Internet

Menurut Alexander F.K Sibero (2011:10) Internet (kependekan dari interconnection-networking) adalah jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan antara jaringan secara global, internet dapat juga disebut jaringan dalam suatu jaringan yang luas. Seperti halnya jaringan komputer lokal maupun jaringan komputer area, internet juga menggunakan protokol komunikasi yang sama yaitu TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Tujuan Perancangan Sistem Informasi

Tujuan Perancangan Sistem Informasi
Tujuan utama perancangan sistem adalah :
  1. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pemakai sistem
  2. Untuk memberi gambaran yang jelas dan rancang bangun yang lengkap kepada programmer.
Kedua tujuan ini jelas berfokus pada perancangan atau desain sistem yang terinci yaitu pembuatan rancang bangun yang jelas dan lengkap yang nantinya digunakan untuk pembuatan program komputer.

Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, seorang analisis sistem harus dapat mencapai sasaran–sasaran sebagai berikut :

  1. Desain sistem harus bermamfaat, mudah dipahami dan nantinya mudah digunakan ini berarti bahwa data harus mudah diperolah, metode-metode harus mudah diterapkan dan informasi harus mudah dihasilkan dan mudah dipahami.
  2. Desain sistem harus mendukung tujuan utama perusahaan/instansi.
  3. Perencanaan sistem harus efektif dan efesien untuk dapat mendukung keputusan yang akan diambil oleh pimpinan, termasuk tugas-tugas lainnya yang tidak dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer.
  4. Perancangan sistem harus dapat mempersiapkan rancangan bangun yang terinci untuk masing-masing komponen dari sistem informasi yang meliputi data dan informasi, simpanan data, metode-metode, prosedur-prosedur, orang-orang, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan pengendalian sistem.

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Konsep Dasar Sistem

Suatu Sistem mempunyai karateristik atau sifat-sifat tertentu, yaitu mempunyai komponen-komponen (components), batas sistem (boundary), lingkungan luar sistem (environments), penghubung (interface), masukan (input), keluaran (output), pengolah (process), dan sasaran (objectives), atau tujuan (goal).
1. Kompenen Sistem (components)
Suatu sistem terdiri dari sejumlah komponen-komponen yang saling berinteraksi, yang artinya saling bekerja sama membentuk satu kesatuan. Setiap sistem selalu mengandung komponen-komponen atau subsistem-subsistem. Setiap subsistem mempunyai sifat-sifat dari sistem untuk menjalankan suatu fungsi tertentu dan mempengaruhi proses sistem secara keseluruhan. Suatu sistem dapat mempunyai suatu sistem yang lebih besar yang disebut dengan suprasystem.

2. Batas Sistem (boundary)
Batas Sistem merupakan daerah yang membatasi antara suatu sistem dengan sistem yang lainya atau dengan lingkungan luarnya. Batas sistem ini memungkinkan suatu sistem dipandang sebagai satu kesatuan.

3. Lingkungan Luar Sistem (environments)
Lingkungan luar dari suatu sistem adalah apapun di luar batas dari sistem yang mempengaruhi operasi sistem. Lingkungan luar sistem dapat bersifat menguntungkan atau pun merugikan sistem tersebut. Lingkungan luar yang menguntungkan merupakan energi dari sistem dan dengan demikian harus tetap dijaga dan dipelihara. Sedangkan lingkungan luar yang merugikan harus ditahan dan dikendalikan agar tidak mengganggu kelangsungan hidup dari sistem.

4. Penghubung Sistem (interface)
Penghubung sistem merupakan media penghubung antara satu subsistem dengan subsistem yang lainya. Melalui penghubung ini memungkinkan sumber-sumber daya mengalir dari satu subsistem ke subsistem lainya. Keluaran dari satu subsistem merupakan masukan bagi subsistem lainya dengan melaui penghubung. Dengan melaui penghubung satu subsistem dapat beritegrasi dengan subsistem yang lainnya membentuk satu kesatuan.

5. Masukan Sistem (input)

Masukan adalah energi yang dimasukan kedalam sistem. Masukan dapat berupa masukan perawatan dan masukan sinyal.

6. Keluaran Sistem (output)
Keluaran sistem adalah hasil dari energi yang diolah dan diklasifikasikan menjadi keluaran yang berguna dan sisa pembuangan. Keluaran dapat merupakan masukan untuk subsistem yang lain atau kepada supra sistem.

7. Pengolahan Sistem
Suatu sistem dapat mempunyai satu bagian pengolah yang akan merubah masukan menjadi keluaran. Suatu sistem produksi akan mengolah masukan berupa bahan baku dan bahan-bahan yang lain menjadi keluaran berupa barang jadi.

8. Sasaran Sistem (objectives)

Suatu sistem pasti mempunyai tujuan (goal) atau sasaran (objectives). Kalau suatu sistem tidak mempunyai tujuan atau sasaran, maka operasi sistem tidak ada gunanya. Sasaran dari sistem sangat menetukan sekali masukan yang dibutuhkan sistem dan keluaran yang akan dihasilkan sistem.

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Pengertian Teknik Following

Teknik Following
Teknik atau rekayasa adalah penerapan ilmu dan teknologi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan manusia. Hal ini diselesaikan lewat pengetahuan, matematika dan pengalaman praktis yang diterapkan untuk mendesain objek atau proses yang berguna. Following adalah orang-orang yang kita ikuti update statusnya, sedangkan follower adalah orang-orang yang mengikuti update status kita. Pada sistem ini, jika si A follow (mengikuti) si B, maka si B tidak harus selalu mengikuti si A. Si B bisa memilih sendiri siapa-siapa yang ingin dia ikuti update statusnya.

Jadi Teknik Following merupakan cara atau proses yang digunakan untuk mengikuti akun seseorang, baik itu secara pribadi maupun kelompok. Serta dapat mengikuti update terbaru dari status seseorang yang diikuti.

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Pengertian Social Network

Social Network
Situs jejaring sosial merupakan sebuah Web berbasis pelayanan yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk membuat profil, melihat list pengguna yang tersedia, serta mengundang atau menerima teman untuk bergabung dalam situs tersebut. Tampilan dasar situs jejaring sosial ini menampilkan halaman profil pengguna, yang di dalamnya terdiri dari identitas diri dan foto pengguna.

Social Networking adalah layanan berbasiskan web yang menyediakan kumpulan cara yang beragam bagi pengguna untuk dapat berinteraksi seperti chat, messaging, email, video, chat suara, share file, blog, diskusi grup, dan lain-lain. Umumnya jejaring sosial memberikan layanan untuk membuat biodata dirinya. Pengguna dapat meng-upload foto dirinya dan dapat menjadi teman dengan pengguna lainnya. Beberapa jejaring sosial memiliki fitur tambahan seperti pembuatan grup untuk dapat saling sharing di dalamnya.

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Jenis-Jenis Website

Menurut Master Dukom website terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu :
1. Web Statis
Merupakan jenis Website yang mana penggunanya tidak bisa merubah kontent dari Web tersebut secara langsung menggunakan Browser. Interaksi yang terjadi antara pengguna (client) dan server hanyalah seputar pemrosesan link saja.

Jenis Web seperti ini menggunakan Client Side Script yang mana script-script yang dapat dimengerti oleh komputer Client saja (Browser) seperti HTML, JavasScript, DHTML, CSS, dan lain sebagainya.

2. Web Dinamis
Merupakan jenis Website dengan interaksi yang terjadi antara pengguna dan server sangat kompleks. Di mana seseorang (Client) dapat mengubah Content dari halaman tertentu dengan menggunakan Browser. Request yang dikirimkan oleh pengguna dapat diproses oleh server untuk kemudian ditampilkan dalam isi yang berbeda-beda menurut alur programnya.

Jenis Web seperti ini menggunakan Server Side Script yaitu bahasa pemrograman yang dapat diproses oleh server untuk kemudian ditampilakn di Browser pengguna Client Side Script. Contoh dari Web Dinamis yaitu forum-forum diskusi yang banyak tersebar di Internet. Pada forum tersebut kita bisa mengisi Content dari Web tersebut, mengubah data diri dan mengirimkan pesan.

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Contoh Sistematika Penulisan Skripsi

Contoh Sistematika Penulisan Skripsi


    1.1 Latar Belakang  Masalah.
    1.2 Rumusan Masalah
    1.3 Batasan Masalah
    1.4 Tujuan  Penelitian
    1.5 Manfaat Penelitian
    1.6 Sistematika Penulisan

    2.1 Kerangka Pikir
    2.2 Kajian Teori

    3.1  Analisis Sistem
    3.2  Perancangan Sistem

    4.1 Implementasi
    4.2 Pengujian

    5.1 Kesimpulan
    5.2 Saran


Pengertian Situs

Seiring berjalannya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin canggih maka komputer dan internet sudah menjadi infrastruktur untuk membantu menjalani aktivitas kehidupan manusia di zaman sekarang ini. Perkembangan aplikasi web yang semakin pesat sejak munculnya teknologi  internet  sangat membantu dalam kemudahan serta kecepatan pengiriman, penyampaian dan penerimaan informasi. Mulai dari perusahaan-perusahaan, sekolah-sekolah, perguruan tinggi, dan lembaga atau organisasi lainnya telah banyak memanfaatkan aplikasi  web  dalam kegiatan penjualan, promosi, belajar, saling berinteraksi dan kegiatan lainnya. Internet memiliki banyak keunggulan bagi para konsumen maupun organisasi, misalnya dalam hal kenyamanan akses 24 jam sehari, jangkauan global, sumber informasi potensial dan masih banyak lainnya.

Word Wide Web atau WWW terdiri dari seluru situs web yang tersedia kepada publik. Halaman-halaman sebuah situs web diakses dari sebuah URL yang menjadi akar “root” yang disebut homepage (halaman induk) yang biasa disimpan dalam server yang sama (Master Dukom, 2011:5).

Pada dasarnya website adalah sebuah cara untuk menampilkan suatu di internet. Website adalah sebuah tempat di internet, siapa saja didunia ini dapat mengunjunginya, kapan saja mereka dapat mengetahui tentang segala hal, memberi pertanyaan, memberikan masukan atau bahkan mengetahui dan membeli produk. Internet bagaikan sebuah pusat perdagangan terbesar di dunia dan website adalah salah satu toko atau kios di pusat perdagangan tersebut.

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Contoh Format Penulisan Proposal Skripsi

Contoh Format atau Sistematika Penulisan Proposal Skripsi

    1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah
    1.2 Rumusan Masalah
    1.3 Batasan Masalah
    1.4 Tujuan Penelitian
    1.5 Manfaat Penelitian

    2.1    Landasan Teori   
    2.1.1    ............. (Bagian dari pembahasan Landasan Teori)  
    2.2    Kerangka Pikir
    3.1    Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian
    3.2    Teknik Pengumpulan Data
    3.3    Teknik Analisis Data
    3.4    Analisis Sistem


Pengertian Rancang Bangun

Rancang Bangun
Desain atau lebih dikenal dengan rancang bangun adalah proses perencanaan yang menggambarkan urutan kegiatan (sistematika) mengenai suatu program. Rancang bangun program diklat adalah proses perencanaan urutan kegiatan komponen pelatihan yang merupakan suatu kesatuan yang bulat dari program tersebut.

Ada tiga unsur penting dalam upaya meningkatkan kegiatan diklat bagi setiap individu, yaitu : maksud (apa yang harus dicapai), metode (bagaimana mencapai tujuan) dan format (dalam keadaan bagaimana penentuan rancang bangun yang akan dicapai).

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013


1.Pengertian Doentologi
Deontologi berasal dari bahasa yunani, Deon yang berarti Tugas, berperinsif pada aksi atau tindakan.
Menurut kant,benar atau salah bukan ditentukan oleh hasil akhir dari kunsekwensi dari suatu tindakan,melainkan oleh tindakan moral.

Perhatian difokuskan pada tindakan melakukan tanggung jawab moral yang dapat menjadi penentu apakah suatu tindakan tersebut benar atau salah.

2.Contoh penerapan Deontoligi.

  1. Seorang perawat yang yakin bahwa klien harus diberitahu tentang yang sebenarnya terjadi meskipun itu sangat menyakitkan
  2. Seorang perawat yang menolak membantu melakukan abortus karena keyakinan agama yang melarang melakukan tindakan membunuh.
  3. Secara luas teori ini dikembangakan menjadi lima perinsip yaitu: Kemurahan hati, keadilan, otonomi, kejujuran dan ketaatan.
3.Perinsip kejujuran dalam deotologi
  1. Prinsip kejujuran (veracity), menurut veatch dan fry(1987) didefinisikan sebagai menyatakan hal yang sebenarnya dan tidak bohong.
  2. Kejujuran harus dimiliki oleh seorang perawat ketika berhubungan dengan klien.
  3. Kejujuran merupakn dasar terbinanya hubungan saling percaya antara perawat dengan klien.

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Sample of A Skripsi or Thesis (2B)

                  Sample of A Skripsi or Thesis (2B)
Written by Ari Julianto



A.  Location of the Research
This research was carried out at the first class students of ..........This school was chosen as the place of this study because the same research has never been conducted at this school.

B. Population and Sample
It is impossible to do the research without an object. From the object the researcher gets the data which have the relationship with the research problem. The object in these researched would be taking from the population and sample.

Population as Warsito (1992: 49) explains that it is a group of elements which assumed as objects of a research, and the elements are analysis unity. Population is generalizing region consisted of the object and subject having certain characteristic and quality specified by researcher to be learned and then pulled by conclusion and Kartono (1986: 24) says “Sample is the representation of one population”. Sample is the part of amount and characteristic owned by the population.

The population and sample of this research was the first class students of ..........The school had only one class for first class that consisted of 50 students. So, the total number of the population was 50 students. Arikunto (2002: 112) suggests “The total number of students were more than 100, so 10-15% and 20-225% or more can be taken as the sample.” In this case, the researcher took all the students as the sample. The sample was divided into two groups that is experimental group and control group. The sample was taken randomly.

The technique to obtain the sample in this research was based on the names of the students' attendance list. The odd numbers were taken from number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on for experimental group and the even numbers from number 2, 4, 6, 6, 10 and so on for control group. So, the researcher had 25 students as the experimental group and 25 students as the control group. The population and the sample of the research are shown as follows

Table 1.3 Population of the Research

Table 2.3 Sample of the Research

C. Research Design
Arikunto (2002:2) explains that research is an action conducted by someone who works on what is he is doing without changing the system of the performance. This research used a descriptive quantitative method. It means that a scientific approach that most of it used numbers for presenting the data, and the result of the research. The technique of this research was an experimental research. The samples were divided into two groups, 25 students for experimental group and 25 students for control group.  Each group was given a treatment, pre-test and post-test.

The experimental group was taught by using Hidden Pictures Game meanwhile the control group was taught by using traditional method in vocabulary or LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). The pre-test and post-test also were given to both groups. Both groups were given the same text that consisted of 40 test items in which 10 numbers for filling the blank, 10 numbers for arranging the words, and 20 numbers for identifying.

D. Technique for Collecting the Data
For collecting the data of the research, the researcher developed a teacher-made test that relates to the vocabulary skill based on LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). The text consisted of 40 test items in which the students had to answer them in 30 minutes. The test was a teacher made-test in which where there were 40 numbers that consisted of 10 numbers for filling the blank, 10 numbers for arranging the words, and 20 numbers for identifying the things based on the pictures. Each number was scored 2.5 (100 : 40 = 2.5).

E. Technique of the Data Analysis
The technique of this research was performed by the following step:
1.  Dividing the class into experimental group and control group,
2.  Giving the Pre-Test to obtain the score of Pre-Test for experimental and control group,
3.  Teaching vocabulary by using the Hidden Pictures Game in experimental group,
4.  Teaching vocabulary by using traditional test or LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) in control group,
5.  Giving the Post-Test to obtain the score of Post-Test to collect the data for experimental and control group,
6.  Calculating the score of Pre-Test and Post-Test between experimental and control groups,
7.  Measuring the standard deviation of variable X and Y by using Sudijono’s formula (1999: 298).

8. Finding out the deviation of control group by using the formula:
9.   Testing the hypothesis by applying t-test as Arikunto (2002: 278) suggested:
10. Finding out the degree of freedom (df) = df  = N1 + N2  –2  and finally consulting the t value table to obtain the hypothesis result.
11. Finding out the validity of the test by using the formula of Arikunto (1993: 157) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows

F. Testing Hypothesis
In this research the statistical hypothesis was used to decide whether the hypothesis will be accepted or rejected the statistical hypothesis formula:
X = Y = Ho,   X < Y = Ho , or X > Y = Ha
Ho: there is no significance effect of teaching Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary (the hypothesis will be rejected)
Ha: there is a significance effect of teaching Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary (the hypothesis will be accepted).


A.  Data Collection
After conducting the Pre-Test and Post-Test between the experimental and control group that each consisted of 25 students for each group, the researcher collected the data from the students’ answers. The data gathered were classified into pre-test for students’ achievements in vocabulary by using traditional test or Lembar Kerja Siswa that consisted of 40 number test items and another test for post-test by using Hidden Picture Game. Each number was scored 2.5 (100 : 40 = 2.5). For example, when a student got a raw score 27, it was calculated 27 : 40 x 100 = 67.5. The students’ achievement in Pre-Test for experimental and control group can be reported as follows

Table 1.4 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test (Experimental Group)

Table 2.4 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test (Control Group)

After being given the Hidden Picture Game for experimental group, the same text as the pre-test was given to the students to find out the result of the post-test. The scores of the post test for either for experimental group or control group can be reported as the following tables.

Table 3.4 The Students’ Score in Post-Test (Experimental Group) Table 4.4 The Students’ Score in Post-Test (Control Group)

B.  Data Analysis
From all the data of the pre-test and post test of the experimental group and control group obtained, then the researcher analyzed the data to find out the differences of the sample’s scores between pre and post test in the experimental group. 

1. The Effect of the Hidden Picture Game in Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary
The next step in this research is finding out the effect of the Hidden Picture Game in increasing the students’ vocabulary. The students’ achievement in vocabulary either in experimental or control group can be shown in the pre-test and post-test as follows:

Table 5.4 The Students’ Scores in Pre-test and Post-Test (Experimental Group)

From the above table, we found that the students’ score for pre and post-test of the experimental group is as follows: SX1 = 1592.5, SX2 = 1647.5 and SX1 = 55.

Table 6.4 The Students’ Scores in Pre-test and Post-Test (Control Group)

From the above table, we found that the students’ score for pre and post-test of the control group is as follows: SY1 = 1582.5, SY2 = 1617.5 and SY1 = 35.

Table 7.4  The Calculation to Find the “to’

The next step is finding out the value of t observe (to) by using the following formula as suggested by Arikunto (2002: 278).

Then the next step is finding out the interpretation towards to by calculating first the calculation of df (degree of freedom) in which we could obtain as follows:
df = N1 + N2 -2 = 25 + 25 – 2 = 48

By having the df 48 and consult the t value table (tt), on significant level 5% or a = 0.378 > 0.288. It means that to is higher than tt. By having and comparing the number of t that obtained in the computation (to = 0.378) and the number of the t value on the t value table (tt.ts 5% = 0.288) so we could know that to is higher than tt that is:
0.378 > 0.288 = to > tt
The findings are to is bigger than tt, so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected which means that there is a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary. Based on the findings of the pre and post test, absolutely it can be concluded that the use of Hidden Picture Game can increase the students’ vocabulary.

2. The Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary Taught by Using Hidden Picture GameIn order to obtain the students’ achievement in vocabulary taught by using Hidden Picture Game, the data was compared from the pre-test and the post test of the experimental group. The pre-test was given before using Hidden Picture Game and the post-test was given after using Hidden Picture Game. The comparison can be presented as follows

Table 8.4 The Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary Taught by Using Hidden Picture Game from Experimental Group
From the table above, it can be concluded that SX1=1592.5 and SX2= 1647.5, so (SX2- SX1) 1647.5 - 1592.5 = 55. It means there was an increment in the students’ achievement by 55 points.

3. Validity of the Test

In arranging and analyzing the material of the test, the bases are from all general and specific objectives and all the books that are related to English for Senior High School. The material arranged in such way so that the test would be respected enough to analyze the students' ability to elaborate blending and clipping words. It is expected that the result of the students test would be similar to what is expected from the curriculum. Moreover, the test is valid because it measured what it is supposed to measure.
Here valid is the material or the contents of the test which had been managed as to be possible to measure all what he had already intended through his general and specific objectives and also the test was representative enough to measure the progress of the students for what they had studied before.
To obtain the validity of the test, the students’ raw score of the post test from experimental group will be calculated as follows

Table 9.4 Students’ Raw Score for Validity of the Post Test from Experimental Group

Table 10.4 The Calculation of the Validity of the Test

Harris (1977: 18) says that validity is an analysis that accords with the views of recognized authorities in the skills area and the test then reflects such an analysis. If a test is designed to measure mastery of a specific skill or content of a particular course of study, we should expect the test to be based on a careful analysis of the skill or an outline of the course. Sudijono (1999: 204) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows:

According to Arikunto's correlation formula (1993: 230) who recommended that the value of validity is as follows:
0.00 - 0.20    : had no correlation        (the test is invalid)
0.21 - 0.40    : low correlation        (the test is low validity)
0.41 - 0.60    : fair correlation        (the test is fair to validity)
0.61 - 0.80    : high correlation        (the test is high to validity)
0.81 - 1.00    : complete correlation        (the test is complete to validity)

Based on the standard validity above, the result of validity of the test is 0.83. It means that the test is "high to validity".

C. The Findings
    After the pre and post test were conducted, then the findings are reported as follows:
a. In Experimental group SX1 = 55 and Mx or M1 = 2.2,
b. In Control group SY1 = 35 and My or M2 = 1.4,
c. t observe (to) 0.378 > 0.288 = to > tt
d. to is bigger than tt, so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected which means that there is a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary,
e. Based on the standard validity above, the result of validity of the test is 0.83. It means that the test is "high to validity".


A. Conclusions
Based on the analysis obtained, it can be reported some conclusions as follows:
1. There is an effect of using Hidden Picture Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary, that is the final hypothesis was (to = 0.378) and the number of the t value on the t Value Table (5% = 0.288), so we found that to is higher than tt, that is: 0.378 > 0.288. It means that there is a significant effect towards the students’ achievement in vocabulary by using Hidden Picture Game,
2. The finding of the pre-test before given the Hidden Picture Game was t SX1=1592.5, and after given micro teaching technique the result was SX2= 1647.5, it means that there is a progress in students’ achievement by 55 points.

B. Suggestions
Related to the conclusion above, the researcher herewith would like to suggest as follows:
1.  It is advisable that the SMU English teachers are much more intended in using the Hidden Picture Game as the alternative technique in teaching to the students for vocabulary. The teachers should no be relied on the topics that are in LKS books, because the students’ interest is in what they can express by small group or micro teaching-learning process,
2.    Hidden Picture Game can be used as the alternative technique along with the other techniques, which are used in the school,
3.    Hopefully, the SMU teachers should increase the students’ vocabulary as often as possibly, which depends on the schedule teaching.

Sample of A Skipsi or Thesis (2A)

Sample of A SKripsi or Thesis (2A)

Written by Ari Julianto

Here is an example of experimental thesis. I would not say that this  thesis is a good quality as I know we can find some mistakes either grammatically or structurally. Anyway, this sample may help you to understand better about educational research. I hope today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.

The Effect of the Hidden Picture Game in Increasing the Students’ Vocabulary


A. The Background of the Study
English is a foreign language in Indonesia. So, it is very difficult to know the English language to the people especially people who live in the village. Many people still use regional languages.  Our duty now is how to teach English to the students in the school especially the students who live in there. It will be very interesting to the teachers to look for several ways in teaching English to the students. The simple way to know the English start from the vocabulary is by using technology. Vocabulary is the most useful to learn English. Without it, we cannot speak, read and write in English. From the word we were making sentences to combine a song, etc.

Based on the researcher’s experience in PPL, many students especially in junior high school lack of vocabulary. They read the text but they miss conception in ideas and they do not know the meaning. They answered the questions but they had mistake in answers. They had difficulty in making conversation because they lack in vocabulary. For example: What is there on the table? – That is a small plate (should be a saucer).

Tiner (1997: 50) states, “ that the normal child’s experience with reading will result in has lacquering a constantly enlarging stock of sigh words, he will have established automatic stimulus response patterns for dozens of frequently used words such as that, with, be, are, and, was, it, the, in, to, that, you, they, said, whom, can, and. A teacher must be sensitive to environment, start from human resources such as teachers, administrators, parents, material resources such as books, media, games, filmstrips, school facilities or services resources such as buildings, laboratory, library.  A teacher must have variation methods in supporting the students. Without motivation, it will make the students get bored in learning, and finally it would be influencing the students’ ability. Finochiaro (1996: 26) states that important factors related to the second/foreign language learning are curriculum, students, teachers, media, materials and methods.

Finochiaro (1996: 30) said that learning English vocabulary through games is very interesting to the students. They are very conscious to look for the appropriate words to fill the answer. They practice their competence indirectly when they do the exercises. The competence, in the other hand, is holding an important thing in learning language. To communicate fluently, a student must have some words and it is very impossible to do the conversation if they do not know the vocabularies.

A child acquires knowledge of sentences not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate to the context in which they are made. Hymes (1982: 277) states, “A child knows when and when not to speak, what to talk about with whom, when, where, and in what manner.”

Teachers across the United States have learned it is beneficial to use games when teaching ESL (English as a second language). They find when students are relaxed, they are more likely to retain information and understand their material more quickly. Games in the classroom force interaction and communication among the students. The teacher makes sure everyone has a turn to participate in the game and assists with communication wherever necessary. Students playing games to learn English strive to win the game. Through their language usage, the students learn to master the language, thus instilling a sense of accomplishment when their hard work helps them win.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to offer an audiovisual media, Hidden Pictures Games as a media to build up the students’ ability in vocabulary. In circumstance where  the students used regional language, limited facilities, limited resources, the researcher will giving the spirits to the teachers and the students. That was some reason why the researcher would be analyzing the students’ vocabulary by using a Hidden Pictures Games as a students’ achievement. And finally, the researcher hope, the research would be giving the positive influenced and there was not reason to stop the study. 

Yong Mei and Yu-jing (2000: 30) said that games used to learn English are relatively simple to create. A teacher can use the games to control the overall classroom atmosphere and maintain a structure to the English lessons. A game helps a teacher easily assess where each student stands, and the teacher can take notes on the students' levels while the students are having fun.

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that the students’ problems in vocabulary can be in the lack of vocabulary, identifying the things, understanding the English word and recognizing the new thing in their vocabulary list.

One of the advantages of games to learn English is a game motivates students to progress in the use of the language and develop a real understanding of English. This is particularly true of games that challenge students in a manner that pushes their language skills without making them feel defeated. A game helps teachers create particular context where language is most meaningful and useful.

B.  The Identification of the Problem

The problems of this study are identified as follows:
1. the students are very poor of using vocabulary,
2. the percentage of effect by using Hidden Pictures Game.

C.  The Scope and Limitation

This study discusses about the effect of using Hidden Pictures Game to the students’ vocabulary. The Hidden Pictures Game is used for this research from http://www.highlightskids.com that can be accessed directly via internet and the book Highlight Kids in which the copies of the contents can be given to the students. The limitation is the students’ achievement in learning vocabulary taught by Hidden Pictures Game. the location and the sample are in the first class students of ..........

D. The Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem would be formulating as follows:
1. is there any effect in using Hidden Pictures Game in increasing the students’ vocabulary?
2.  how many percentage the effect of using Hidden Pictures Game?

E. The Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are focused on:
1. to find out the effect of Hidden Pictures Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary, and
2.  to find out the percentage the effect of using Hidden Pictures Game.

F.  The Significances of the Study

The researcher expects to give the valuable contribution for those involve with this subject of the study. The significances of the study are as follows:
1. The result of this analysis will be some valuable information for the teachers,
2. The teachers who teach the students, because the finding of this study will enrich the teacher’s method in teaching-learning process especially in vocabulary,
3. A game helps teachers create particular context where language is most meaningful and useful. This makes the students want to communicate with others so they can get their points across during the game,
4. Also, the teachers can run through more material in the same amount of time than through straight lecturing,
5. Games offer a student a sense of accomplishment. Other students will work harder to win and in the end will be learning English through the game,
6. Hopefully, it will be useful for the students so that they can build up their vocabulary.


A. Theoretical Framework
1.  Description of Media

The word of media is come from Latin language means “medius” which literally mean middle, medium or introductory. Based on Arabian language media is medium or deliverer order from consignor or receiver the massage.  Gerlach and Ely (1982: 44) stated that if media is marginally by human being, items, or accurate develop, building condition that make the student able to obtain to get the knowledge, skill or attitude. Meanwhile, Arsyad (2005: 4) says “Media bring the message or information which aim of curriculum or contain the instruction intention hence that referred as a study media”. Djamarah and Aswan (1995: 122) state that media is assistive appliance in course of learning to teach and learn that utilize to learn the students for the shake of reaching of instruction target.

Media as source learn confessed as a means of assist the auditive, visual and audiovisual. The third use of source type this learn, do not promiscuously, but have to be adapted  by formulation of  target instructional, interest learn itself. Every instruction media, have a differences in purpose, because of it, expected to teacher to choice the media according to requirement at the time of just appliance which can water down the attainment of instruction target. Gagne (1980: 15) said that the function of media is to deliver the communications of stimulation of which instruction is composed.

The application of media will certainly bring about changes in the students process of leaning and motivation to learn. They will get different experience if they are exposed to the use of media. The use of media will be giving much fortune to the students to develop and improve their knowledge in certain areas. Arsyad (2005: 9), points out the use of media in teaching will give some influence to student’s linguistic development.

1.1. The Characteristic of Educational Media

Every media has the certain characteristic, goodness seen from the useful and the way of its making. Comprehending characteristic of various instruction media represent the elementary ability which must be owned by the teacher. If a teacher less comprehend the media characteristic, teacher will be confronted to difficulty and more misconception in teaching learning process. Gerlach and Ely (1982: 55) mention that there are three media characteristic representing guide in media election.
(1) Fixative Property. It means depicting media ability record the, to save, preserve and reconstruction the event or object,
(2) Manipulative Property. It means to transfer something be happen or object which manipulation the reality,
(3). Distributive Property. It means to transform an object by space and concurrently the reality presented to a large amount of student with the stimulus experience which relative equal to that fact.    

1.2 The Advantages of Media
(1) Media can motivate the students because they can enjoy in study,
(2) The sequence of sign (pictures, sound, etc) in media is always the same, so the students can replied it,
(3) The Sign (pictures, sound, etc) of media can help prevent and correct misconceptions about the something in teaching,
(4) The sign (pictures, sound, etc) of media offer a stimulus to further study to built up the students’ vocabulary
2. Kinds of Media
Arsyad (2005: 10) divides some media based on utilization. They are:
(1). Media based on utilization
a. Human media as a teacher, instructor, tutor,
b. Print media as books, module, and workbook,
c. Visual media as chart, Picture, Poster, Newspaper, Magazine,
d. Audio as   music, Symphony, Conversation, Telling story, Radio,
e. Audiovisual as   Movie, Drama, Video, slide-tape program,
f. Computer media as interactive video, hypertext, game house.

(2) Media based on time
a. Traditional media as overhead, chart, slide, and
b. Technology media as teleconference, computer assistant instruction
Tangkas (2002: 39) states that audiovisual aids can be powerful stimulators in developing oral language activity and also make students aware of unauthentic phrasing and vocabulary. Djamarah and Zain (1995: 45) say “Media which have been recognized these days do not only consisted by two types, but have more than that. The classification of media can be seen from its type, its covering power”. They divided the kind of media into three:
(1) Based on the type, media divided into three, there are Auditive media, Visual media and Audiovisual,
(2) Based on the covering power, media divided into three, there are media with the wide covering power. Media with the finite covering power by space and place. That media is for the instruction of individual,
(3) Based on making substance, media divided into two, there are simple media and complex media

3. Description of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a vital parts of each students’ life. It affect his though, section, aspiration and often his success. In general, success with words means success in many areas, particularly in academic achievement. In a word expanding fast in every field the need to expand and enrich students’ vocabulary is compellingly apparent. Vocabulary is total number of words in a language. We can  measure the student ability in vocabulary by using three levels, Hill (1985: 45) mentions that elementary level 1000 – headword, intermediate level 1500 – headword and the last advanced level 2075 – headword. Vocabulary can be observed by:
(1)  A unit of Analysis of Linguistic. It consists of Phonetics, is the study of human speech sounds, that is how the sounds are produced,
(2)     Phonology is defined as the study of sound system that is the study of how speech sounds structure and function in language,
(3)    Morphology is the study of words construction that is how words are formed,
(4)    Syntax is the study of the patterns by which words are combined to make higher levels of structure,
(5)    Semantic is the study of meaning language,
(6)    Pragmatic: around the central grammatical points we have pragmatic deal with how speakers use language in ways which cannot be predicated from linguistic knowledge alone

Besides that, vocabulary is divided into eight based on the characteristics and functions as Thomson and Martinet (1986: 24) suggested, they are
(1) Noun. A noun is a word that is the name of thing, quality, person, and act and can be the subject. Noun arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essential to every complete sentences,
(2) Verb. A verb is a word or phrase that shows what a person or thing. Like noun, the verb has the grammatical properties of person and number. Properties which require agreement with the subject, but the verb also several other grammatical properties that are shared with no other part of speech,
(3) Adjective. Adjective is a word that describes noun. Adjective also is a modifier that has the grammatical endings property of comparison. It is often identified by special derivational ending or by special adverbial modifier that precede it.
(4) Adverb. Adverb is a word that adds information to verb, adjective, phrases. Adverb range in meaning is from words having a strong lexical content, to those that are used merely for emphasis. 
(5) Pronoun. A Pronoun is made up a small class of words of very high frequency,
(6) Prepositions is connective preposition between noun or pronoun equally in sentence,
(7) Conjunctions is word used to connect the word with the word, expression with the expression, sentence with sentence.
(8) Interjections is interjection, namely off the cuff utterance intended to express an feeling which is sudden felt.

In this time, the researcher would be using four items of the characteristics and functions of vocabulary, there are noun, verb, adjective and adverb. The reasons why the researcher chosen is only four items because of limited by the time, the students has familiar with that four items. Bauer (1998: 11) differentiates vocabulary into two, there are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is the words that we use and passive vocabulary is the words that we recognize. Haycraft (1978: 43) divides vocabulary into two kinds, they are
(1) Active Vocabulary
Words which the students understand can pronounce correctly and uses constructively in speaking and writing. The Active vocabulary can be seen in dictionary as alphabetically arranged and defined.

(2) Passive Vocabulary
Words that students recognize and understand if they occur in a context, but cannot produce correctly. Most of the passive we can find in Prefixes and affixes. 

4. Vocabulary through Games and Activities
Vocabulary activities can easily start off a pre-reading lesson. When it comes to using vocabulary activities, a pre-reading lesson should contain some if not all, of the new vocabulary. Some ideas include: starting with a pictures, brainstorm, comics, a quotation, a dialogue or a sentence as lead-in.
Sasson (2009: 2) said that there is no limit to how many vocabulary activities a teacher can use, but there is a bit of restriction as to how to use them, especially during the first ten minutes of a reading lesson otherwise known as a 'pre-reading' part of the lesson plan. There are also pre-reading lessons that are based on vocabulary review. Essentially, these acts like warm-ups that have the effect of calming the class and help you get ready for the main task at hand. There are a variety of fun vocabulary activities that have game-like features that are very motivating:
a. A teacher gives the class a few definitions corresponding to a 5-6 vocabulary words and the students guess the word,
b. The teacher whispers the word and the students try and recognize the word,
c. The teacher spells the word backwards and the students try and recognize the word,
d. Bingo using the words. The teacher calls out the definitions or translations.

Another example is given by Quality Group (2007: 359) in which the game can be given for a year or 365 days. This book provides the students various gamed each day that can be in the form word scrabbles, spooky spelling, word search, missing middle, puzzles, heads and tails, adding a letter, letter codes, word trail, playtime problems, mathematics, trivia etc.
    Moreover, Sasson (2009: 2) stated that if the teacher feels that an adequate amount of practice via these recognition activities has been reached, he can opt for more challenging vocabulary games and activities that aim to reduce fear and hesitancy that is sometimes characteristic of language learners studying a language that isn't their mother tongue. Examples:
a. The telephone game or otherwise known as: "What word did you say?"
b. Mini-Dialogues: students are given a situational context and they need to use the vocabulary,
c. Dictations: students fill in a sentence using a choice from three words the teacher says.

5. Traditional Method in Teaching Vocabulary
Generally, in teaching-learning process a teacher must be used English text book and also a teacher have been given by guidance to what he or she ought to do. Start to recognize the listening, speaking, reading, writing, structure and vocabulary, we can find out in the book map in every English text book that used in the school.  Naibaho (2000: 33) states that the English text book also has been made available by steps of what having to a teacher do. For example to  conduct the  items  " speaking", at guide-book have been made available to be dialogued and at task is here in after provided and  the dialogued which must be filled by student, what have been determined also theme or its items. This matter once in a while can make the teacher dozed to non- stop to follow the instruction step by step of pursuant to text book. They would not be looking for the other media alternative and or other variation in teaching. The instruction method which is like this is named by traditional method.

In traditional method in teaching vocabulary, a teacher usually used the text as media that concluded in the English text book and then asked the students to translate it. A teacher pay no regard to how far ability of student in vocabulary because assessment learn only limited to student able to  interpret from English text to Indonesian, though in its process student use dictionary as word source. Finally, student awareness of concerning vocabulary by completing will never be reached. The teacher only asked the students to translate it a noun, or verb, or adjective etc.

6. Description of Hidden Pictures Game
A teacher should find the best or the effective technique to teach English vocabulary. Media as teaching aids are needed to help the student’s understanding and to increase the effectiveness in the communication between teacher and students in the teaching and learning process. It is also used to stimulate the students’ motivation and student’s interest to the lesson. Highlight Kids offers some pictorial games to help the students’ vocabulary in English.

There are a variety of fun vocabulary activities that have game-like features that are very motivating. In Highlight Kids.com, we can find some various games such as: Hidden Pictures, Fun Finder, Games and Giggles, Express Yourself, Story Soup, Science in Action, poetry Player, Holiday Craft, and Welcome Issue. These kinds of games can be found in online magazine Highlight Kids.

6.1 Hidden Pictures Games Using Internet
Hidden Pictures Game in internet is provided in http://www.highlightskids.com/ via online. A student may choose one of several titles and pictures by clicking the titles of the game he/she wants. After the students have the certain pictures, the students have to look at the things given on the right. The number of the things that the student must find depends on the level. In level 1, the students usually have to find out 10 things to be found hidden in the pictures. But, when the student passes level by level, the number of the things that the students must find can be 25 things.

When the students can identify the thing successfully, he/she can click the shape of the things hidden in the pictures. If the students choose the correct thing, then automatically the things moves to the right side and the color of the shape the student clicked has changed. When the students successfully can identify all the things on the right box, then the picture on the left turns into a colorful and wonderful picture. The example of Hidden Picture Game in internet can be shown below.

Pic 1. Hidden Picture Game Using Internet

6.2 Hidden Pictures Games Using Paper
Hidden Pictures Game in book is provided by Highlight Kids. The way is almost the same in internet. But using a paper, a student is given a piece of paper that already pictures given on it. The students have to observe the pictures carefully. They have to compare the things needed to find out in Hidden Pictures on the right to the left picture.

After the students analyze the picture for 5 minute, then the teacher asks them to identify or find out the things needed that are hidden in the picture for 20 minutes. There is a sentence written there “Can you find these Hidden Pictures? Please put a circle and the number for each object in the big picture.” Besides putting a circle and the numbers, another way is coloring the thing in the big picture and writes down the numbers on the shape that the students colored. The example of Hidden Picture Game in internet can be shown below.

Pic 2. Hidden Picture Game Using Paper

7. The Advantage of Hidden Picture Game
Learning a second language is no easy task, but Hidden Pictures game can be the open doorway to a greater understanding of the English language especially in vocabulary. Teachers in public schools across the country have been trying to make administrators see the benefits in using games as a learning tool. It has been proving time and time again that when a mind is stressed it makes learning more difficult for the student to concentrate and retain the information.

Highlightkids (2010: 3) mentions some advantages by using Hidden Pictures Game to the students.
(1) Hidden Pictures Game can make the students fun. Fun makes students enjoy a subject. When a student is relaxed they are more likely to learn and maintain more information. Students are motivating and challenging.
(2) Playing Hidden Pictures Game in a classroom forces the students communicate. This can help students to make and sustain the effort of learning.
(3) Hidden Pictures Game offer a student a sense of accomplishment. Other students will work harder to win and in the end will be learning English as they practice communicating through the game,
(4) Teachers can run through more material in the same amount of time than through straight lecturing,
(5) Very little effort to create the Hidden Pictures Game and they can be used to maintain and control the overall atmosphere in the classroom,
(6) Hidden Pictures Game provides language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing, listening and reading.

B.  Conceptual Framework
There are various effort conducted by teacher to assist and avoid the student saturation in learning, one of them is by attending study media. In this case, the researcher attends the Hidden Pictures Games.  It has arranged as good as possible as effort assist to improve the students’ vocabulary. The process assist to improve the students’ vocabulary, in the end will give the benefit to student ability in writing, listening, speaking and reading.

As an audiovisual media, Hidden Pictures Games as a media can build up the students’ ability vocabulary. The variable of this research was the effect of using Hidden Picture Game which is called as X variable. This research offers the use of Hidden Picture Game to the students that can obtain from internet or book. This game gives pleasure and fun for students in increasing their vocabulary.

Meanwhile, Y variable was the students’ ability in vocabulary. Vocabulary in English is necessary as English language in school needs to be improved by mastyering English vocabulary. In this case, the students used regional language, limited facilities, limited resources, the researcher will giving the spirits to the teachers and the students. That was some reason why the researcher would be analyzing the students’ vocabulary by using a Hidden Pictures Games as a students’ achievement. And finally, the researcher hopes, the research would give the positive influenced and there is not reason to stop the study. 

C.  Hypothesis
    Based on the review of the literature above and conceptual framework, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:
Ha :     There is a significance effect of the Hidden Pictures Game to the  students’ achievement in vocabulary.
Ho: There is no significance effect of the Hidden Pictures Game to the students’ achievement in vocabulary.
X = Y = Ho,   X < Y = Ho , or X > Y = Ha
If to (X) is smaller than tt (Y), it means null hypothesis (Ho) that is the effect of using Hidden Picture Game to the students’ vocabulary is rejected. In other words, there is no a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary. And If is to (X) is bigger than tt (Y), it means hypothesis (Ha) that is the effect of using Hidden Picture Game to the students’ vocabulary is accepted. In other words, there is a significant effect of using Hidden Picture Game towards the students’ vocabulary.
 (to be continued)