Menulis Saran (Suggestions) pada Skripsi/thesis
Written by Ari Julianto
Setelah menulis Kesimpulan (conculsion) yang biasanya terletak pada Chapter V, diikuti dengan saran (suggestions/recommendations.
Saran merupakan manifestasi dari penulis untuk dilaksanakan sesuatu yang belum ditempuh dan layak untuk dilaksanakan. Saran dicantumkan karena peneliti melihat adanya jalan keluar untuk mengatasi masalah atau kelemahan yang ada.
Saran yang diberikan tidak boleh melenceng dari ruang lingkup penelitian.Saran-saran berisi hal-hal yang masih dapat dikerjakan dengan lebih baik dan dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut, atau berisi masalah-masalah yang dialami pada saat proses pengerjaan penelitian tugas akhir.
Umumnya, saran awalnya ditujukan kepada pihak secara umum (school, companies, office dsb) kemudian diarahkan ke yang khusus (students, teacher, supervisor, managers dsb).
Sama halnya dengan Kesimpulan (conculsion), saran (suggestions/recommendations) dapat disajikan dalam dua bentuk, yakni:
a. Uraian paragraf, contohnya
In this part, the writer would like to contribute some suggestions forb the English teachers and the other researchers based on the research findings and discussion.
It is suggested that the English teachers should be more creative and innovative to select the teaching strategy to deliver their material. They could find a good instructional media to get their students’ interest in learning English, especially in writing. Picture sequences would be helpful to improve students’ writing ability, therefore the teacher needs to maintain using picture sequences in the next new academic year in teaching recount text.
To the further researcher, particularly those who have the same problem and interested in conducting research, it is suggested that this study can be a reference. Hopefully, there will be any further research of how to complete this technique.
b. Rincian bernomor, contohnya
Based on the findings and the conclusions, the writer would like to contribute some suggestions as follows
1. The school should be more interested in the students' writing since the result of the research showed that the students could improve their writing ability of recount text through picture sequences,
2. It is suggested that the English teachers should be more creative and innovative to select the teaching strategy to deliver their material. They could find a good instructional media to get their students’ interest in learning English, especially in writing. Picture sequences would be helpful to improve students’ writing ability, therefore the teacher needs to maintain using picture sequences in the next new academic year in teaching recount text,
3. To the further researcher, particularly those who have the same problem and interested in conducting research, it is suggested that this study can be a reference. Hopefully, there will be any further research of how to complete this technique.
(Diambil dari berbagai sumber)
Demikianlah pembahasan kita kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Amin.